lamaisondegeorgeJun 8, 20204 min readCurry Chicken Baguette ( recipe)Curry Chicken Baguette An East Meets West fusion that I created as a tribute to a precious 55 years old spice & herbs shop in Hong...
lamaisondegeorgeJun 8, 20204 min read【廚師天堂裡的法式咖喱雞長棍包】‧ 『路過北角』食誌與訪談:天然椰子號 ※ 撰文《左字廚房》鄧子怡拜訪了傳統老店「天然椰子號」,與老闆曾氏夫婦暢談食材與守業,為大家送上第一篇食誌與訪談 ──「廚師天堂裡的法式咖喱雞長棍包 (天然椰子號)」。現邀你一同尋味,細味驚喜。圖片附詳盡食譜,齊齊動手烹煮吧 : 法式咖喱雞長棍包食譜連結...
lamaisondegeorgeJun 8, 20203 min read法式咖喱雞長棍包 (食譜)拜訪了傳統老店「天然椰子號」,與老闆曾氏夫婦暢談食材與守業,為大家送上第一篇食誌與訪談 ──「廚師天堂裡的法式咖喱雞長棍包 (天然椰子號)」。現邀你一同尋味,細味驚喜。圖片附詳盡食譜,齊齊動手烹煮吧! 第一篇食誌與訪談連結:【廚師天堂裡的法式咖喱雞長棍包】‧...
lamaisondegeorgeMay 27, 20203 min readSteamed Coconut Milk Mantau with Oatmeal ( VOML Vegan ) 蒸鮮椰奶胚芽饅頭 (中式素食)Making Chinese steamed mantau ( or you can call it BUN) is simple, but i added a lot of oatmeal for texture and chewiness. I did not...