Berry Yogurt Oat Crumble Bars 雜莓乳酪燕麥金寶脆
A simple & colorful dessert for Christmas, or anytime you desire a quick & fast dessert.
INGREDIENTS: 8~10 servings
Crust & Crumble
150 g all-purpose flour
120 g rolled oats (best to use whole rolled oats instead of the instant oatmeal
for more crumbly effect)
150 g unsalted butter, cut into 1 cm cube dice,
then keep inside the fridge until mixing
150 g light brown sugar
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 tsp / 3g baking powder
1 lemon zest
1 tsp vanilla extract

Fillings :
500g Greek yogurt
34 g sugar
18g cornstarch
1 TBSP fresh lemon juice ( if you want to add extra 1 TBSP lemon juice,
add another 2 g of cornstarch too.)
300g mixed berries
some ice sugar for decoration
1. Preheat the oven to 180C.
2. Slightly grease a 8 x 8 inch (20 x 20cm) square baking pan or glass baking tray( best to use a loose base baking tray for the best result to release the slice) and line with flour. And shake off the excess flour.
3. In a bowl rub brown sugar with lemon zest for a few minutes to release oil. Then add in cold cubes of butter, flour, oats, baking powder, salt and vanilla. Rub all the ingredients with your hand until it became crumble and sandy. If you are using a food processer, just roughly blend for a few seconds at a time until crumble and sandy.
4. Add half of the crumble mixture into the bottom of the pan. Press the mixture down evenly either with a spoon or the flat bottom of a glass.

5. In a medium bowl mix yogurt with sugar, cornstarch and lemon juice. Spread the yogurt mixture over the crust. Spread the raspberries over the yogurt.

6. Sprinkle the remind crumb mixture randomly over the raspberries.

7. Bake for 45~50 minutes or until the crumble became golden.
8. Good to be served hot /cold, great with ice-cream / custard. Sprinkle icing sugar on top of the bar before serving. If serving cold, cool completely and then refrigerate for about 2 hours before serving.
#學煮SimplyCookingCookbookRecipe #dessert #berry #snacks #bars #baking #partyfood #Xmasfood #cakes #festivalfood #crumble #fastandeasy #icookUcook #SimplyCooking #vegetarian
#Ep4 #IcookUcook #我煮你煮齊齊煮 with #林穎嫺Wing4U #左字廚房

雜莓乳酪燕麥金寶脆 Berry Yogurt Oat Crumble Bars
150克 中筋麵粉 / 多用途麵粉
120克 燕麥片(最好使用整粒燕麥片代替速溶燕麥片,效果更鬆脆及有口感)
150克 無鹽牛油,切成1厘米方粒後,再放回雪櫃備用
150克 黃沙糖
1/4茶匙 鹽
3/4茶匙/3克 泡打粉
1個 檸檬皮
1茶匙 雲尼拿精油 / 1/3 條雲尼拿籽
500克 希臘乳酪
34克 糖
18克 粟粉
1 湯匙 新鮮檸檬汁(若想添加額外的1湯匙檸檬汁,再添加2克粟粉。)
300克 新鮮/冷藏 雜莓
少許 糖霜,用作裝飾

1. 將烤箱預熱至180°C。
2. 用少許牛油薄薄的塗抹一個8 x 8英寸(20 x 20厘米)的方形烤盤或玻璃烤盤( 若想更加容易脫模,最好用可卸式烘盆);再輕灑麵粉在上。然後抖掉多餘的麵粉。
3. 在大攪拌盆中,用手將檸檬皮和黃糖一起磨擦8~10下,以釋放檸檬皮的油。然後加入凍牛油粒,麵粉,燕麥,泡打粉,鹽和雲尼拿。用手擦拭所有食材至金脆寶麵粒狀和沙化。
4. 將一半的金脆寶麵粒倒入烤盤底。用勺子或平底玻璃綜萊杯,均勻地向下壓成餅底。

5. 在另一中碗中,將乳酪、糖,粟粉和檸檬汁拌勻,平均倒在餅底上再抹平。然後放入雜莓。

6. 將剩餘的金脆寶麵粒,隨機撒在雜莓上。

7. 烘烤45〜50分鐘或烘至金黃色。

8. 可供冷/熱食用,也可以配冰淇淋/卡仕達醬。食用前撒上糖粉。如果冷食,則應完全冷卻後再放入雪櫃約2小時,便可享用。。

#學煮SimplyCookingCookbookRecipe #dessert #berry #snacks #bars #baking #partyfood #Xmasfood #cakes #festivalfood #crumble #fastandeasy #icookUcook #SimplyCooking #vegetarian
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