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Crystal Dumpling with Miso Dashi and Rosemary Mushrooms with Spring Onion Croutons 水晶湯餃子 配味噌油漬迷迭香菇


Crystal Dumpling with Miso Dashi and Rosemary Mushrooms with Spring Onion Croutons

(▼中文版食譜在英文版下面▼) 水晶湯餃子 配味噌油漬迷迭香菇 伴蔥油麵包丁

Published on : #ViaNorthPoint 2021

刊登於 : #路過北角 2021


Dumpling Wrap

70 ml boiling water

35 g wheat starch flour

35 g potato starch

½ tsp vegetable oil


40 g button mushrooms, finely sliced

40 g chestnut mushrooms, finely sliced

5 g shallots, finely diced

½ pc./30 g soy braised firm tofu, finely diced

2 g dried black fungus, finely diced

1 TBSP Chinese bamboo shoot, finely diced

1 slice/15 g Parma ham, finely chopped

2 slices chorizo slice, finely chopped

40 g green soybean, finely diced

40 g carrot, finely diced

25 g white miso

40 g kimchi, finely chopped

15 ml balsamic vinegar

Some vegetable oil, for frying

Pickled Shimeji & Shiitake

40 g shallots, sliced

10 g garlic, sliced

55 ml rice wine vinegar

35 ml sweet white wine

10 ml light soy sauce

1 pc. bay leaf

½ sprig rosemary

1 sprig tarragon

50 g shimeji mushrooms

6 shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake Blaze Mushroom Dashi

1 litre water

20 g kombu, soaked in cold water for 4–6 hours

10 g dried blaze mushrooms

20 g dried shiitake mushrooms

55 g shiro, Japanese white soy sauce

15 g mirin

20 g sake

to taste yuzu juice

to taste white miso

Spring Onion Croutons

Some white bread loaf, diced into 2 cm cubes

Some sesame oil

1 spring onion finely chopped

A pinch fine sea salt

Mini Egg Yolk Pancake

1 egg yolk

Some Japanese sesame oil


6 shiitake mushrooms

12 shimeji mushrooms

Some radish cress

6 slices dulse /seaweed

6 mini egg yolk pancakes

6 spring onion croutons

Some sesame oil

Some chilli oi


Pickled Shimeji & Shiitake

1. Begin by pickling the shimeji & shiitake mushrooms. Place the shallots, garlic, vinegar, white wine, soy sauce, bay leaf, and rosemary into a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat, add the tarragon and leave to infuse overnight in the fridge.

2. The next day, trim the stalks from the mushrooms and pour the cold pickling liquor over them through a sieve, to remove the herbs and aromatics. Ensure they are fully submerged and leave to pickle for 24 hours.

Shiitake Blaze Mushroom Dashi

1. Boil the kombu and the dried blaze mushrooms with water. Switch to medium fire once after boil. Bring up to 80°C and hold at that temperature for an hour.

2. Pour the kombu water over the dried shiitake mushrooms and set aside to infuse for 30 minutes. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve (reserving the soaked mushrooms and dashi) into a clean saucepan, then add the white soy, mirin, and sake. Keep in the fridge.

3. Reheat the dashi slowly before serving.

Dumpling Fillings

1. Trim the pickled mushroom, set aside.

2. Meanwhile, make the filling. Fry the sliced mushrooms in a dash of oil until caramelized and most of the moisture has evaporated.

3. Add oil into a pan, sauté the shallots. Add in the tofu, black fungus, bamboo shoots, Parma ham, chorizo, carrot, green soybean and season well. Add in kimchi along with the reserve shiitake and blaze mushrooms from making the dashi, and finely chop everything together to create a paste. Set aside to cool.

Mini Egg Yolk Pancake

1. Whisk the egg yolk and set aside

2. In a non-stick pan, heat up sesame oil with low fire, add ½ teaspoon each time onto the pan slowly, pan-fried the mini pancake until both sides turn golden.

Spring Onion Croutons

1. Preheat oven to 190°C. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside.

2. In a large bowl, evenly drizzle some sesame oil over the bread cubes. Then evenly sprinkle the spring onion and salt over the bread. Toss gently until well-combined.

3. Spread the bread cubes out in a single layer on a baking sheet.

4. Bake until golden, turning once halfway through cooking in order to brown all sides of the croutons. The cooking time will depend on the thickness of the cubes, so watch to be sure that they do not burn. (generally take between 10-15 minutes.)

5. Remove from oven, and let cool completely. Use immediately, or store in an air-tight container for up to 1 week.


1. Make the dumplings by sieving the potato and wheat starches together in a bowl. Quickly pour the boiling water into the bowl, whisking vigorously so that the hot water gelatinizes as much flour as possible.

2. Turn the dough out onto a bench, then add the oil and knead until it is smooth, elastic and starts sticking to the bench. Roll the dough through a pasta machine on the second-to-last setting, then cut out 6 circles around 8 cm in diameter using a pastry cutter.

3. Place around 8~10g of the filling into the centre of each circle, then bring the edges to the middle and pinch them closed to create a three-pointed dumpling (try to remove as much air as possible). Keep in the fridge on baking paper until ready to serve.

4. When ready to serve, set up a bamboo steamer over a pan of simmering water.

5. Gently reheat the dashi and place the dumplings into the steamer along with the pieces of dulse and cook for 7–10 minutes. Meanwhile, pan-fry the shiitake mushrooms with a small amount of oil until golden.

6. To plate, slice two of the shiitake mushrooms in half. Place a halved shiitake mushrooms into each bowl along with a dumpling and piece of dulse. Drain the pickled shimeji mushrooms and place around the dumpling, then whisk in a little white miso and yuzu juice into the hot dashi until you’re happy with the flavour. Pour the dashi into the bowls and garnish with radish cress, mini egg pancake, sesame oil and chilli oil. Serve with spring onion croutons immediately.

P.S. You can add different natural coloring into your dumpling dough to make the dumplings more appealing too. i.e. matcha powder or beetroot juice.

水晶湯餃子 配味噌油漬迷迭香菇 伴蔥油麵包丁

Crystal Dumpling with Miso Dashi and Rosemary Mushrooms with Spring Onion Croutons

刊登於 : #路過北角 2021



70 毫升 滾水

35,克 澄麵

35 克 生粉

½ 茶匙 植物油


40 克 白菌菇,切薄片

40 克 板栗蘑菇,切薄片

5 克 紅蔥頭, 切幼粒

半件/ 30克 鹵豆腐乾 切幼粒

2 克 乾木耳 浸軟,切幼粒

1 湯匙 冬荀粒 ,切幼粒

1 片/ 15 克 意大利煙薰火腿片切碎

2 片 西班牙辣腸片切碎

40 克 毛豆,切幼粒

40 克 紅蘿蔔,切幼粒

25 克 白味噌

40 克 韓國泡菜切碎

15 毫升 意大利黑醋

少許 植物油,用於煎炸


40 克 紅蔥頭,切片

10 克 蒜頭,切片

55 毫升 米酒醋

35 毫升 白葡萄甜酒

10 毫升 薄口醬油/生抽

1 片 月桂葉

½ 枝 迷迭香

1 枝 龍蒿

50 克 鴻喜菇

6 隻 日本鮮香菇


1 公升 水

20 克 昆布

10 克 乾姬松茸菇

20 克 乾日本香菇

55 克 日本白醬油

15 克 味醂

20 克 日本清酒

適量 日本柚子汁

適量 白味噌


少許 白麵包,切成2厘米方塊

1 條 蔥,切碎

少許 麻油

少許 鹽


1 隻 蛋黃

少許 麻油


6 隻 日本鮮香菇

12 隻 鴻喜菇

少許 水芹

6 片 紫紅海藻/海帶

6 片 迷你蛋黃班㦸

少許 日本麻油

少許 辣椒油



1. 將紅蔥頭、蒜頭、米酒醋、白葡萄甜酒、醬油、月桂葉和迷迭香,放入小平底鍋中煮沸。從熱中取出,加入龍蒿,並留在雪櫃中浸漬過夜。

2. 翌日,修剪鴻喜菇的根莖部,將冷醃漬液過篩倒在鴻喜菇及日本鮮冬菇上 (冷醃漬液要完全浸蓋所有菇),去拌渣滓,並再冷醃 24小時。


1. 將昆布、乾姬松茸和水一起煲滾,轉中火,水溫保持80°C度(龍蝦眼水),煲 1小時。

2. 把倒在乾日本香菇上,浸泡 30 分鐘,過篩,保留浸泡的水、日本香菇和姬松茸切碎備用。

3. 將昆布姬松茸水放入平底鍋中,然後加入白醬油、味醂和清酒。放入雪櫃備用。

4. 食用前,重新加熱。


1. 將冷醃制過的鴻喜菇及日本鮮冬菇修剪,備用。

2. 用少許油煎香菇粒,直到焦糖化,蒸發掉大部份水份。拿起備用。

3. 再下少許油起鑊,炒香紅蔥頭,加入鹵豆腐乾、木耳、冬荀、意大利煙薰火腿、西班牙辣腸片、毛豆、紅蘿蔔 ,加入白味噌、意大利黑醋,調味,攪勻。再加入之前備留的浸泡姬松茸碎、泡菜碎,關火。把餡料攪拌成糊狀。放在一邊冷卻,備用。

迷你蛋餅 :

1. 將蛋黃拌勻, 備用。

2. 加少許麻油沾在鑊上 , 開慢火, 慢慢加入半茶羹蛋黃液, 將兩面蛋餅煎香金黃。


1. 將焗爐預熱至190°C。在烤盤上鋪上烘焙紙,備用。

2. 在一個大碗中,放入麵包丁,均勻地撒上麻油。然後將蔥碎均勻撒在麵包上,加鹽。輕輕攪拌直至均勻。

3. 將麵包丁平均散佈在烘焙紙上。

4. 烘烤至金黃色,在烘焙中途旋轉一次,使烤麵包塊的所有面都烘得均勻。烘焙的時間取決於麵包丁的厚度,因此請注意確保麵包丁不會燒焦(通常需要10~15分鐘)。

5. 將麵包丁取離焗爐,待完全冷卻,便可使用,或在密封的容器中存放長達1週。


1. 把澄麵、生粉過篩在大碗裡,迅速將滾水倒入碗中,用力攪拌成糰。

2. 將麵糰翻到桌面上,然後加入 ½ 茶匙油揉捏,直到它光滑有彈性,並開始粘著。用木棍揉薄,然後用直徑約 8 厘米的印模,模出6個餃子皮。

3. 將大約 8~10克的餡料,放入每個餃子皮的中間,然後將邊緣置於中間,並將其壓合,以盡量去除多餘的空氣,包成三角型餃子。

4. 將昆布湯慢慢煮熱。

5. 將餃子和海藻一起蒸7~10分鐘。同時,用少許油煎香油漬迷迭日本香菇,直到金黃。

6. 擺盆時,把兩個香菇切成兩半。將半個蘑菇放入每個碗中,連同一個餃子和一塊海藻、迷迭鴻喜菇;然後,把適量白味噌、日本柚子汁攪拌到熱昆布湯中調味。將湯倒入碗中。

7. 加上水芹、迷你登蛋餅、麻油和辣椒油作裝飾,配蔥油麵包丁一起享用。

水晶湯餃子 #湯 #味噌 #中菜 #節日食譜 #聚會食譜 #香菇 #水晶湯餃子 #蔥油麵包丁

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