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Fleur de Sel Peanut Butter Goji Chocolate Cup 法國海鹽花花生醬杞子朱古力


Fleur De Sel Peanut Butter Goji Berry Chocolate Cup (▼中文版食譜在英文版下面▼)

Published in Buddhist Compassion Magazine Issue 400

which is a bi-weekly Buddhist magazine in Hong Kong.. It was first founded on September 1, 1999, with the purpose of purifying the human heart and peaceful society.

刊登於 溫暖人間雜誌 第400 Buddhist Compassion Magazine Issue 400


Serves 10-12 Pieces

Ingredients :

250 g 70% cacao chocolate chips or baking chocolate

2 tsp vegetarian spread

1 stalk fresh thyme, leaves only

100 g roasted peanut

1 tsp sesame oil

A pinch Fleur de Sel

30 pieces goji berries

Instructions :

1. Over a double boiler (or in the microwave, microwave for 10 second each time, otherwise the chocolate will be overheated. Stir in between until it melted completely), melt chocolate chips, thyme and vegetarian spread together.

2. Fill each chocolate silicone mold with a small spoonful of melted chocolate, just enough to coat the bottom and sides. You can use a small brush (or a spoon) to carefully nudge the chocolate up the sides of the liners. Pop in the freezer until the chocolate is completely hardened.

3. Mix peanut, sesame oil and salt in a blender to make homemade peanut butter. Spoon a bit of peanut butter into each cup and 3 pieces of goji.

4. Spoon more melted chocolate on top to cover. Pop in the freezer. Once the chocolate on top begins to set, sprinkle with Fleur de Sel. Freeze again (or refrigerate) until set.

5. Store the chocolate cups in the fridge or at room temperate.




250克 70%可可朱古力原粒/烘焙朱古力

2茶匙 植物牛油

1小束 新鮮的百里香,去梗

100克 焗花生

1茶匙 麻油

少許 海鹽花

30粒 杞子


1. 可可朱古力粒、百里香及植物牛油放在一個器皿中,器皿放在熱水中座至朱古力完全融化。(亦可放微波爐慢慢加熱,逐10秒叮,太長時間易過熱,拌勻再叮。)

2. 用小匙將融化的朱古力液體先注入矽膠朱古力模盤的底部及周邊,可以用小刀或刮子把朱古力液貼上朱古力模的三邊,作小兜狀,立即放入冰格迅速雪至硬身取出。

3. 將焗花生、麻油、海鹽放在攪拌器中打成自製花生醬,把自製花生醬、3粒杞子分別注入各個已雪硬的朱古力小模中。

4. 再將朱古力液蓋過花生醬餡,注滿小模,再放入雪櫃雪至表面開始成形,立即取出灑上鹽花,再放入雪櫃,稍成形便可取出。

5. 小心將朱古力從模盤中取出,包裹朱古力糖紙,可在雪櫃或室溫中存放。

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