EASY ! FAST ! FLEXIABLE ! YUMMY ..... are the keywords for this dessert.
Another extremely easy dessert to fully use up the leftover ingredients in your fridge, cooking time is less than 10 minutes. When you look at all these ingredients, you must have thought you might not have all the exact ingredients on hand, especially during pandemic that not every ingredients are available in stores.
Yet this is also a very flexible recipe! You can mix and match with the amount of different milk products ( as long as it sums up to 900 ml of milk products). Then taste the mixture before adding the gelatin or agar agar , then adjust the sugar amount. That’s how I come up with this easy last minute pudding recipe.
I just made it less than 10 minutes after I finished cooking the main meal. Then chill them inside the fridge before dinning. The milk pudding turned out to be rather nice and right on time after a little break from dinner.
You can also replace the mango with other fruits, e.g. berries and pineapple also goes well with this milk pudding.
Make it with a big tray is another opinion. Simply cut them into 4.5~5cm cube instead of serving them individually inside a glass, then you should add an extra 4g of gelatin powder into the mixture for a slightly more solid pudding to cut out with.

INGREDIENTS : 10 small glasses servings
480ml full cream milk
100 ml cream
100 ml coconut milk, can be replaced by cream
100 ml yoghurt
100 ml evaporated milk
20 ml condense milk / 20g sugar
100 g sugar
20 g gelatin power / agar agar / same weight of gelatin sheets,
soak it into cold water before adding into the milk for cooking.
1 big mango, slice into 10 long strips / other fruits
1/2 tsp vanilla extract / ½ stalk of vanilla bean

In a small bowl, mix gelatin power and sugar together.
In a pot, all in coconut milk, yoghurt, cream, evaporated milk, condense milk and ½ portion of the milk, whisk well. Turn on the stove with high heat, slowly pour into the gelatin mixture while whisking the liquid in the pot. Whisk until the liquid almost boil (i.e. when smoke starts to occur and small air bubble of the milk appear at the side of the pot.) and until all the gelatin and sugar has melted.
Add the rest of the milk and vanilla into the pudding mixture to lower the temperature.
Sieve all the pudding mixture and pour into 10 small glasses, fill up to 70 % full. Add in the mango slice into each glass. ( I put the mango slices diagonally inside the glass and let the top part of the slice lean at the top edges of the glasses.) Then add the rest of the pudding mixture into each glass carefully and evenly.
By this time, the puddings should be in room temperate. Refrigerate the puddings for at least 1 hour before serving.
#學煮SimplyCookingCookbookRecipe #simplycooking #pudding #milk #mango #dessert #chinesedessert #partyfood #fastandeasy #asiandessert #chinesedessert

快靚正好味 .....是這道甜點的關鍵詞。
又是一個非常容易製作的甜品,少於10分鐘的烹調時間, 更可以完全消耗冰箱中剩餘的食材。
當看到材料清單時,你一定以為手頭上可能沒有所有的材料,尤其是在疫情期間,並不是每種食材都可以買到。不用擔心!這食譜非常靈活易搭!您可以混合和搭配不同份量的乳製品(只要其 總和為900毫升 就可)。然後在加入魚膠粉膠或寒天粉之前,將混合好的材料試味,然後調節糖量。我就是這樣設計出這極速芒果奶凍食譜。
將雪櫃剩餘的奶類製品, 混合搭配在一起(奶製品分量,總共加起來等於900毫升就成)。當我煮好晚餐後,我只用了不到10分鐘的時間, 把材料攪定,然後放入雪櫃冷凍。晚餐後稍稍休息一下,便是享受這奶凍的最佳時候了。
您也可以將它製成一大盤的奶凍糕,然後切成 4.5~5 厘米的立方體,而不是放在分別的玻璃杯中,只要再添加多4克魚膠粉,以便能成形切成糕狀。

材料: 10小杯份
480 毫升 全脂牛奶
100 毫升 忌簾
100 毫升 椰奶,可用忌簾代替
100 毫升 乳酪
100 毫升 淡奶
20 毫升 煉奶 / 20克 糖
100 克 糖
20 克 魚膠粉 / 相同重量的魚膠片代替,將其浸軟在冷水中,然後再添加到牛奶中
1個 大芒果,切成10塊長厚片 / 其他生果
½ 茶匙 雲尼拿香油/ ½ 條 雲尼拿籽

方法 :
在鍋中,將所有椰子汁,忌簾,乳酪,淡奶,煉奶和 ½份牛奶用手動打蛋器攪拌均勻。用高火煮,在攪拌鍋中液體的同時,慢慢倒入魚膠粉混合物中。攪拌直至奶凍醬幾乎沸騰(即開始冒煙,鍋邊的牛奶開始沸出小氣泡),及直到所有魚膠粉和糖融化為止。
把所有奶凍醬糊過篩,分倒入10小杯中,約七成滿。在每個玻璃杯中加入芒果片 (我將芒果片斜角地插在玻璃杯中,然後將芒果片的頂部靠在玻璃杯的邊緣)再將剩餘的奶凍醬糊小心均勻地加入每個玻璃杯中。
這個時候,奶凍醬糊應已降至室溫, 然後放入雪櫃,冷凍至少1小時後,便可享用。
#學煮SimplyCookingCookbookRecipe #simplycooking #pudding #milk #mango #dessert #chinesedessert #partyfood #fastandeasy #asiandessert #chinesedessert
All copyrights reserved © 2021 左字廚房George Kitchen & La Maison de George

All copyrights reserved © 2021 左字廚房George Kitchen