Making Chinese steamed mantau ( or you can call it BUN) is simple, but i added a lot of oatmeal for texture and chewiness. I did not choose whole-wheat flour because some people may not like its roughness -- but if you want to enhance the nutritional value, use whole wheat flour with a bit more liquid. I chose coconut milk over milk or water because the coconut smell is so pleasing as if fills my kitchen.
這是很簡單的中式蒸饅頭, 但我加了很多燕麥 ,令它更有質感 ,也較有嚼勁。 我不用全麥,因為全麥較粗糙 ,初試者未必會歡喜哪種口感 ,如果想再增加養份 ,也可以用全麥粉及相應加多些水份來做。 我不用牛奶也不用水 ,以椰子奶代替這兩種材料來增加香味, 因為饅頭仍未蒸熟時,椰香已四處飄散。(▼中文版食譜在英文版下面▼)

Steamed Coconut Milk Mantau with Oatmeal (VOML Vegan) 蒸鮮椰奶胚芽饅頭(中式素食)
學素SIMPLY VEGETARIAN cookbook recipe, page 272
Prep Time: 1.5 hour
Cook Time: 15 mins
Difficulty: Medium
Servings: 8
150 g high-gluten flour (bread flour)
300 g low-gluten flour (cake flour)
20 g instant oat meal
2 tsp instant yeast
2 tsp baking powder
5 Tbsp granulated sugar
¼ tsp salt
2 Tbsp coconut oil
240 g coconut milk
1. In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients, except the coconut milk, by hand.
2. Slowly stir in the coconut milk until a dough form. Sprinkle flour on a tabletop and roll out the dough. Keep kneading for 10 to 15 minutes until it is smooth and thoroughly combined.
3. Brush a dash of coconut oil into a large bowl, place the dough inside, and cover with the heatproof plastic wrap.
4. Place on the rack and put inside a wok with hot water or in a steam oven at 40°C for 1 hour until the dough doubles in size.
5. Roll the dough and knead into a sausage shape. Cut into 6 equal parts. Line each piece of dough with a piece of baking paper, cover with a damp cloth, and allow to stand in a perforated container for 15 minutes.
6. Place the dough in a steam bamboo with lid, and put inside a wok which half filled with hot water and steam at high heat or in a steam oven at 100°C, both method for 12 minutes or until cooked. Then serve immediately.
*use a toothpick to test whether the mantau is cooked or not. If the toothpick come out clean without any small wet dough bit, it shall be cooked.
#學素SimplyVegetarianCookbookRecipe #SimplyVegetarian #vegan #vegetarian #appetizer #snack #dip #VOML #steamed #bun #mantau #bread #bao

Steamed Coconut Milk Mantau with Oatmeal (VOML Vegan) 蒸鮮椰奶胚芽饅頭(中式素食)
包子, 蛋糕, 曲奇 和 烤餅
(無蛋奶素食 ‧ 中式食譜)
準備時間: 1.5 hour
烹調時間: 15 mins
難度: 中等
份量: 8
150克 高筋麵粉
300克 低筋麵粉
20克 燕麥
2茶匙 即溶酵母
2茶匙 泡打粉
5湯匙 幼砂糖
1/4茶匙 幼鹽即食
2湯匙 椰子油
240毫升 椰漿
1. 除椰漿外,把所有材料放大碗中以手拌勻。
2. 將椰漿逐少加入,用手拌勻至形成將麵糰,在桌上灑上高筋麵粉,將麵糰在桌上,再揉搓10至15分鐘,至光滑。
4. 將麵糰取出,再搓成長條狀,以刀切成6等份的小麵糰,排放在有洞的烘焙紙上,再蓋上濕布,放置15分鐘。
5. 將小麵糰及烘焙紙一起放在蒸籠裡,再放於已有滾水的鑊中,蓋好,或用蒸爐以100°C蒸12分鐘或至熟,即可享用。
#學素SimplyVegetarianCookbookRecipe #SimplyVegetarian #vegan #vegetarian #appetizer #snack #dip #VOML #steamed #bun #mantau #bread #bao
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