One Night Stand Pistachio & Chocolate Chips Meringue Cookies 一夜情開心果朱古力曲奇 (▼中文版食譜在英文版下面▼)
This meringue cookie is so easy to make that you just need to preheat the oven 180° C. Place the meringue into the oven. Switch off the oven and let the cookies stand inside the oven for overnight. That's why I call this cookie : ONE NIGHT STAND MERINGUE COOKIES. Extremely & easy to make, you can use up all your left over egg white in the freeze after you baked something else for dinner. Just whist &t sprinkle nuts on top....this cookie will definitely became the talk of your party lol !
INGREDIENTS : Makes: 12 cookies
2 large eggs, at room temperature, whites only
100 g sugar
1 tsp corn starch
1/8 tsp salt
1 tsp white wine vinegar / apple cider vinegar
¼ tsp ground cardamom
70 g mini chocolate chips
70 g finely chopped pistachios
1 tsp vanilla extract or 1/3 stick of vanilla bean

1. Preheat oven to 180 ° C.
2. In a grease-free bowl, whisk together the egg whites until soft peaks occur. Whisk in the sugar in bit by bit until thick and gleaming.
3. Use a spatula to fold in the corn starch, salt, vinegar, vanilla and cardamom very gently, then add the chocolate chips and 80 % of the pistachios, fold these in too.

4. Prepare a large baking sheet lined with baking paper. With a spoon, drop mounded blobs of the mixture, 5cm in diameter, onto the baking paper. Sprinkle with the remaining pistachios on pot of the blobs.
5. Transfer the cookies into the oven and turn off the door immediately. Let the cookies sit in the switched-off door overnight.
Best eaten within 24 hours but can keep up to 3~4 days in airtight containers.
#學煮SimplyCookingCookbookRecipe #SimplyCooking #cookies #baking #fastandeasy #IcookUcook #dessert #partyfood #vegetarian

一夜情開心果朱古力曲奇 One Night Stand Pistachio & Chocolate Chips Meringue Cookies
材料: 製作:12 個曲奇
2 隻 大雞蛋,室溫,只用蛋白
100 克 糖
1 茶匙 粟粉
1/8 茶匙 鹽
1 茶匙 蘋果醋/白酒醋/檸檬汁
¼ 茶匙 荳蔻粉
70 克 迷你巧克力粒
70 克 開心果, 切碎
1 茶匙 雲尼拿精油 / 1/3枝 雲尼拿籽

1. 將烤箱預熱至180°C。
2. 在完全無油脂的碗中,用打蛋器將蛋清攪打,直到出現軟峰。將糖續少加入蛋白中攪拌,直至濃稠及爍面。
3. 加入鹽、粟粉、醋、雲尼拿和荳蔻粉,用膠刮將輕輕地折疊,然後加入巧克力粒及八成的開心果,再折疊。
4. 在一大烘盆上,佈上焙紙。用湯匙將蛋白掏在烘焙紙上,大約直徑5厘米大小。在鍋上撒上剩餘的開心果。
5. 將蛋白曲奇轉移到焗爐中,讓曲奇在關了焗爐裡放過夜。
#學煮SimplyCookingCookbookRecipe #SimplyCooking #cookies #baking #fastandeasy #IcookUcook #dessert #partyfood #vegetarian
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